Week 20 - Love

Week 20                                      Love                               3rd March 2023


What I might wish to ask:

That I may be touched by the mystery of Jesus’ intense love.

That I may be able, in all modesty, to give direction to my life in accordance with Jesus’ example.

That my heart is open to the love Jesus shows.


We place ourselves before our God who is looking at us with great love.


Matthäuspassion BWV.244; Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben


Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben

Out of love my saviour is willing to die,

Von einer Sünde weiß er nichts

Though He knows nothing of any sin,

Daß das ewigen Verderben

So that eternal ruin

Und die Strafe des Gerichts

And the punishment of judgement

Nicht auf meiner Seele bliebe

May not remain upon my soul.



Spotify Link:


Note: The link takes you to number 20 on CD 1 of the album. Scroll down to number 20 on CD 2.

YouTube Link:


Note: The Aria Aus Liebe is to be found 1 hour and 43 minutes into the video.


John 12, 1-3  

Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Laz′arus was, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. There they made him a supper; Martha served, and Laz′arus was one of those at table with him. 


Jesus knows that his suffering and death are drawing near. By the end of the week, He will be crucified. He goes in search of his dearest friends: Laz’arus and Laz’arus’ sisters, Martha and Mary. Laz’arus was the friend by whose grave Jesus had wept and whom He had raised from the dead. Laz’arus, Martha and Mary also know what is going to happen to Jesus and they share a meal with Him, together for the last time. I take up a position in this scene and try to discover what is taking place between these people who are so fond of each other. I look at their faces and try to see how they are looking at each other.


Do I recognize this situation in my own life, spending time together with people I am very fond of, maybe also on the threshold of a life-changing event?


Mary took a pound of costly ointment of pure nard and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped his feet with her hair; and the house was filled with the fragrance of the ointment. 


Mary is preparing Jesus’ body for his approaching death. She doesn’t try to get Jesus to change his mind, to take a different path. Peter had tried to get Jesus to change his mind but Mary doesn’t do this. Martha doesn’t try either. She prepares a meal for him. Apparently little things which they do, caring for Jesus in a very concrete way, with the intention of showing him that they love him. I look at what is happening here, maybe I can also smell the food and the perfume of the costly ointment. Maybe this touches me in some way or brings me back to a moment or event in my own life.




Out of love our saviour is willing to die for us, for me. A love which is so strong that death has no hold over it. I use these last moments of the meditation to attempt to understand this.



Week 21 - Choosing with Jesus in mind


Week 19 - Food for Life: Jesus gives Life!