Meditation text per week
We will place the text, music and reflection questions here every week after the meditation on Friday evening.
Week 13 - The unknown, hidden life
Jesus only became the person He was, and is, after a long process of internal growth. His realization of His destiny was able to ripen as a result of His relationship with those around him. Jesus chooses what He stands for.
I might want to ask that I can see how my own process of internal growth has brought me to where I am today. That my destiny in life may become clearer by deepening my understanding of Jesus and the choices He made. That I have the courage to face uncertainty in life.
Week 12 - The birth of Jesus
A very human event: a birth while on a journey.
Almost unnoticed a child is here
who comes closer to us
than we are able to come close to ourselves.
This child intervenes in the story of my life.
What I might want to ask:
That I can lovingly accept this Christ child
and hold Him in my arms.
That the new life He brings will also enter me.
Week 11 - The Incarnation
God steps into our history of humanity
by becoming human himself:
He becomes one of us, one with us.
With all His heart and soul, He commits Himself
to all the countless people,
to whom, out of love, He gave life.
He wants to bring to light,
that within our human limitations,
a life lived out of love is possible.
What I might wish to ask for:
That I may be able to fathom out and understand
what God becoming human means for the world,
for the people I know and also for myself.
That I may get to know Jesus more fully,
In order to love Him more dearly and follow Him more nearly.
He became human for me as well.
Week 10 - Calling
Who is it who inspires me? Who fascinates me, provides me with an orientation for my life? Jesus is called the Lord and the Christ, the Messiah, the true king; He also calls me to bring about his kingdom on Earth.
Week 9 - A New Beginning
God takes me and accepts me just as I am. Realizing this is a new beginning of life, a path which can be taken.
What I might wish to ask God for:
That I may accept that I am accepted as I am. That I can thank God for everything which has been given to me.
If, in our darkest night, we search for what brings us life, God will always be there for us.
Week 8 - I entrust myself to God
To my utter amazement I see that God is gazing at me lovingly. He accepts me just as I am. He lets me live.
What I may wish to ask:
That I can conquer my resistance and can surrender myself to His love. That I can entrust myself to God. That I may experience that He has won me over.
Week 7 - I look at my sins and change my ways
Theme of the week
In each one of us there is some evil hidden within.
We hurt love.
We wound God and each other.
I place myself before God when I look at this evil. I become aware of how God is looking at me: with friendliness, mercy and with love.
What I desire
That I dare to open up
so that I can see where I have failed to love.
That I may see
when I turn my back on God and my neighbour.
That I don’t end up becoming locked up in myself.
Week 6 - At fault
Theme of the week
I see my life as it really is. In his own way, God is at work in my life. Everything that there is in my life, light and dark, can be entrusted to Him.
What I might wish to ask for
That my trust in God may grow
That I can entrust myself to Him.
That I may become intimate with God.
Week 5 - Entrusting myself to God/ Healing
Theme of the week
I see my life as it really is. In his own way, God is at work in my life. Everything that there is in my life, light and dark, can be entrusted to Him.
What I might wish to ask for
That my trust in God may grow
That I can entrust myself to Him.
That I may become intimate with God.
Week 4 - God’s presence in my life
I look at my own life story in order to discover where God was present in my life until now. My life with its good and it’s bad days, with moments of light and also moments of darkness.
And I might wish to ask:
That I have the courage to see my life as it really is with all there is to it. That I can accept my life as it has been until now. That I can see how God has been present in my life as it has so far unfolded.
Week 3 -Getting my life in order
Welcome to the third Ignatian meditation in this beautiful chapel. The theme is “Getting my life in order”. In this half hour I can reflect on my life: paying special attention to moments in my life when God gave me a sign of His love.
I might want to ask God to help me to fully accept my life as it has been until now. I might ask God to help me align my life with His desires for me. I might ask to be able to arrange my life in such a way that God is given a chance to make a difference.
I place myself before God and become aware of His presence and how He is gazing at me with tenderness, compassion and with love.
Week 1 -God in me
Week 1 - God in me
I want to learn to look at my life much more through the eyes of my faith, and discover how God is working in me.
Week 2 - Precious in God’s eyes
God is seeking me. God is looking at me with a loving gaze.
He tells me: “You are precious in my eyes.”
He longs for me and his love for me came first.
I might wish to ask that I may discover that God is seeking me: that I may become aware that God is longing for me.