Week 21 - Choosing with Jesus in mind


What is essential for my life as a Christian?

Which choices do I make for the rest of my life, after such close encounters with Jesus during the last few weeks?


What I may wish to ask:

That I am able to answer Jesus’ invitation and can make choices for my life which are in tune with what I have seen in Jesus.


Music: The road home – Stephen Paulus (1949-2014) Text M.D.Browne - Voces8   CD After silence

Tell me, where is the road
I can call my own
That I left, that I lost
So long ago?
All these years I have wandered
Oh, when will I know
There's a way, there's a road
That will lead me home

After wind, after rain
When the dark is done
As I wake from a dream
In the gold of day
Through the air there's a calling
From far away
There's a voice I can hear
That will lead me home

Rise up, follow me
Come away, is the call
With the love in your heart
As the only song
There is no such beauty
As where you belong
Rise up, follow me
I will lead you home


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Mark 9, 2 – 8

And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John, and led them up a high mountain apart by themselves; and he was transfigured before them, and his garments became glistening, intensely white, as no fuller on earth could bleach them. 


I follow these four men as they climb the high mountain with my own thoughts, feelings and desires. What happens on the way?



And there appeared to them Eli′jah with Moses; and they were talking to Jesus. And Peter said to Jesus, “Master, it is well that we are here; let us make three booths, one for you and one for Moses and one for Eli′jah.” For he did not know what to say, for they were exceedingly afraid.


Something which far surpasses my ability to understand; a miracle beyond any miracle. How would I react? What was my reaction to such an experience in my own life?



And a cloud overshadowed them, and a voice came out of the cloud, “This is my beloved Son; listen to him.” And suddenly looking around they no longer saw any one with them but Jesus only.


With these words, with this voice, I stay a while at the top of the mountain and look around me. What do I see? What effect does that have on me?



Together with Jesus and the disciples I descend the mountain until I am back in the here and now with both feet firmly on the ground.

With that voice in my heart and the song in my ears….


Week 22 - With Jesus


Week 20 - Face to face with Jesus