Week 11 - The Incarnation


God steps into our history of humanity

by becoming human himself:

He becomes one of us, one with us.

With all His heart and soul, He commits Himself

to all the countless people,

to whom, out of love, He gave life.


What I might wish to ask for:

That I may be able to fathom out and understand

what God becoming human means for the world,

for the people I know and also for myself.


In order to receive God’s message for me, I place myself before Him and become aware of how He is looking at me with love.


Music: Soms breekt Uw licht Huub Oosterhuis

Soms breekt uw licht

in mensen door



zoals een kind

geboren wordt.


Gedenk de mens

die wordt genoemd

uw kind uw koninkrijk

uw licht.


Geen duisternis heeft ooit

hem overmeesterd.


Gedenk ons

die als hij geboren zijn

eens en voorgoed


die uit zijn mond

uw Naam hebben gehoord,


die moeten leven

in de schaduw van de dood


hem achterna.


Sometimes Your Light Breaks


Sometimes Your Light breaks

through in people



so as a child

is born.


Remember the person

who is called

Your child, Your kingdom,

Your light.


No darkness ever

overpowered Him.


Remember us

who have been born just like Him

once and for all

who, from His mouth,

have heard Your Name,

who have to live

in the shadow of death


following Him.


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Isaiah 9: 1

The people who walked in darkness
    have seen a great light;
Upon those who lived in a land of gloom,
    a light has shone.

The people of the world today long just as passionately for light: for love, joy and peace, as the people in the time of Isaiah. I look at the world and consider what I see. A world full of war and peace, sorrow and joy, riches and poverty, sick people and healthy people, distance and intimacy. I see people being born and dying. And God sees all of this as well. God who looks at all people with love.

Isaiah 9: 5
For a child is born to us,
    a son is given to us;
 upon his shoulder dominion rests,
    They name him Wonder-Counselor,
    Father-Forever, Prince of Peace.

God comes down onto the Earth and becomes a person. He chooses to be born as a vulnerable baby in a poor family. Mary was chosen to conceive this child. I think of Mary who said yes to the angel Gabriel. She said yes because of her love for God, and because she said yes God has been able, from boundless love, to connect with all people: also, with me.


Isaiah 9: 6b

The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this.

God’s zeal, His ardent love, made the incarnation possible. Mary was open for this great mystery. God still longs to be incarnated, over and over again. Also, in me. His ardent love, His zeal, is still present. I think of all the people who have helped me to be open for this great mystery. Sometimes your light breaks through in people, irrepressibly.



Music: Soms breekt Uw licht



Week 12 - The birth of Jesus


Week 9/10